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           Little Oaks Ball Park

                                   Mabelvale Youth Association  -  Mabelvale, Ar





History and Future

Mabelvale Baseball League was founded in 1956 (as far as we can tell). It began with one field, our Pony Field. A second field was constructed in 1958 (our Teeny League Field) and a third field was constructed in 1965 (our Little League Field). In 1968 we incorporated under the name of Mabelvale Youth Association. Our Instructional Field was constructed in 1989. In 1994 our concession stand was vandalized and we had to reconstruct it to its current design. In 1995 the original concession stand was torn down and the current pavilion was constructed in its place. In 2001 our Little League field was renovated by Billy Smith. In appreciation of his generous contributions, the field was renamed as Billy Smith Field. In 2002 our Pony League dugouts were replaced by Billy Smith. We replaced the outfield fences on our Pony and Little League fields and renovated the infields on our Teeny and Little League fields.

We have plans of building a fifth field in the vacant lot behind the Teeny League Field, however this may take another year or two because of city restrictions. This new field will have a foul line distance of approximately 165 ft (Our current Teeny league field is 145 ft down the left field foul line). We feel we need this field in order to attract and be able to accommodate more players in the younger age groups. We also want to move the instructional league closer to the front of the park and possibly build some batting cages where the instructional field is today. To make this happen we need more people to get involved. 


Our Baseball program is affiliated with the Arkansas Amateur Baseball Association (AABA). Our Pony League, Little League, Teeny League, and Instructional Pitching Machine  teams travel between several different parks. 

In 1999 we began a new league for 5 1/2 and 6 year old boys, the Instructional Pitching Machine League. This league has created a lot of interest and helped increase our instructional registration last season. We are hoping the interest continues for years to come.

Our 3, 4, and 5 year olds (male and female) will still play co-ed instructional. This league is a modified tee ball league.


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Last modified: April 04, 2005